Saturday, June 22, 2013

On to blushers!
On the topic of blushers, skimming the beauty magazines (you name it I have probably looked through it) the cheek color is more 'flushed'  than 'blushed'.  Meaning, to me 'blushing' sounds as if it belonged in the tonal scale of reddish hues and 'flushed' sounds as if it were in the pink tonal range (apricot, peach, coral, etc.).  This having been said, I think it is safe to say magazines are not ideal for picking up a good looking blusher idea because the colors are usually so light and sometimes hardly perceptible, so I guess that means turning to the next obvious source of ideas. 
Ideas from friends, coworkers, advertisements, and other such vast meccas of information abound abundantly and you have no idea which one to pick,  Guess what?  You are not the only one my dear, so grab an oar and hop aboard because you are not alone! 
The way I learned about blushes was through purchasing a simple drug store palette and comparing the color to that of my foundation.  Look at them in the light.  What do you see?  Does it bring any complimentary colors to mind? 
It seems pretty simple.   It seems like common sense well, it is. The first place you might want to consult your local library  because they have books on beauty (make up).  In these books you can find all kinds of snifty doodle information to be had for those willing to take the time to look for it.  Isn't that what brings you here?  Your curiosity in how to enhance your beauty?
What I do is I take my foundation shade into consideration and I try to go perhaps 1 maybe 2 shades darker in my blusher color.  I take my  skin coloring , hair and eye color into consideration as well.  The colors that I feel look good on me are the russets and more purple blue tones in berry.  I like them not too red and not too pink.  I hate anything pink.  I think it is too young for a more mature skin tone (but that doesn't hold true for my taste in lip sticks) and makes (my opinion) a woman look as though she is denying her age.  Hence, what I refer to asthe 'Barbie' syndrome.
For your first attempt at blusher you might want a palette as  mentioned above.  Revlon's line of PHOTOREADY products has a nice selection and not only do you get a blush, but also a coordinating bronzer and highlighter.  Printed and illustrated on the back of the container is a diagram for application of the product. 

I know this information sounds pretty dull, but lets face it (oopsie with the pun) blush really isn't as spectacular a thing to buy.  Unlike eye shadow and lipsticks which seem to come in never ending cascades of color!

My advice is never go with the old adage of color coordinating your wardrobe with your make up, shoes match your belt and watch band - yes, lipstick sort of matches the blush - yes, lipstick and/or eye shadow matches any other article of clothing you're wearing - NO!

Instead use colors that embrace your primary colors of that wardrobe.  Take a hint from those television commercials you see  If you see a Chanel shade of blusher for instance you can't live without, go out and try it wearing an outfit you will think will go with 'it'.  This is so totally different than matching it!  By all means, TAKE YOUR  TIME!  and most of all remember this VERY important FACT.  If you make a mistake and it looks like s&*t  you can always ALWAYS WASH IT OFF!!!

FYI, do you have any idea how many shades of navy exists?  Not to mention reds and they are virtually impossible to match!

Now you have a different sort of view of color choosing methods to try that I hope isn't confusing you.  I tried to be as bland and un-complicating as possible.  I just want to begin you to feel your femininity blossom in the crazy world of make up.  It is not that difficult to be beautiful when you already know you are!  All I am doing is giving you an outlet (skape goat if you will) in case you find the need to blame someone just in case anyone grows suspicious as you begin to appear more youthful, vibrant and vivacious and you are in need of someone to blame.  You can blam me for poisoning your mind into believing something you already know, and that is plain and simple, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!


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