Choosing foundation based on skin type
Ok, so you have purchased the foundation (your gesso for your canvas a.k.a your sweet face) It is now time for choosing a color. I know, I know you are a step ahead of me by having purchased one already, but I will overlook it this time. ;)
When choosing a foundation you will want to be able to swatch it and I usually take my wrist with the swatch(es) out into daylight because this way you can get a better idea of how it will or will not appear when applied to your face. I know of one drug store chain that will let you purchase the foundation and if you feel it necessary to try it at home and decide it is not the right shade, they will (no questions asked) trade it for the right shade. Believe it or not the chain is CVS.
Personally I have fair skin, freckles and my skin is neither sallow or ruddy. Some olive toned women have a problem with foundaions and especially lipstick colors turning 'orangey' on them. My aunt has this problem. For a base color I think most women begin with some shade of beige (unless you are a self tanner in whch case you would want a deeper tone).
I am a buff, beige or bisque in various tonal ranges according to manufacturer. Please don't be disheartened by all of the superfluous names, just keep your focus on the actual 'look' of the product and not those names. Pick out three different tones (doesn't matter if they are all different brand names) and swatch them side by side. Pick the one closest matching your skin tone in order provide coverage for blemishes, bumps, acne, scarring freckles etc. The amount of coverage is a personal choice, I prefer full coverage and I look to Revlon for foundations which do this for me. Under eye circles and dark spots (age spots UGH!!!) will be taken care of by the accompanying product called a 'concealer' which will will cover after foundation.
I must stress something here - it is not a miracle cure for whatever it is you feel you need to hide. Foundation in a subtle or, if you are a full coverage girl such as myself, not so subtle way to even out your skin tone. As we lovely beauties age (I will be 50 in september) our skin changes due to hormonal fluctuations resulting in uneven tones, broken cappilaries, hooded eyes, all sorts of fun crap to look forward to huh?
Ok, take your foundation and stippling brush and place 2 pumps on the back of your hand (really that is all you will need!). Dab the brush into it and begin (that's right!) to pounce it on your entire face. Once you have dabbed it all over your face begin blending either with a dampened blending sponge, stipping brush, or your fingers in a circlular motion gently buffing t into the skin. No need to be rough here, the primer you applied before this step will aid you in depositing the foundation equally over your face. Tip: Make sure you bend into the hair lines and over your jaw bone, because you do not want any lines of demarcation for people to see.
Now look at yourself in your mirror. If possible go outside and sneak a datime peek. DO you like what you see? If so, good! If not, don't worry just go back and try again until you are pleased with the results.
I usually use my iPhone to take photos of my 'look' when deciding whether or not I like how the color looks on me. I would ask someone how I look, but oftentimes this is a bad decision (just trust me on this.
Blend, blend, blend use your finger tips to ensure your coverage is perfect around your eye area and now it is time for concealer.
You have liquid in pen, brush, and sponge tip applicators and pencil and cake concealers available for you to choose from. I recently bought an elf conceaer for a whopping 10 cents and I love it. It has a sponge tip applicator. Always try to choose a concealer at least two shades lighter than your foundation This is because light (which is what we are adding to your face) causes areas to 'receede' whereas darker shades will draw attention to the features you are trying to hide.
I put it under my eyes on circles from lack of sleep (making me look fresh and awake even though I'm not). Next blog I will cover the next step...Blushers! Including contouring.
Until next time, ladies you are starting to look pretty good!
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