Friday, June 7, 2013

Talking about foundations...
Hey gals!!!
Are you starting to feel foxy? I know you must be chomping at the bit, so without further ado I will now introduce you to the foundations and tinted moisturizers that I have in my collection.  Perhaps you have some too, if you do please feel free to use your favorite.  If not just keep reading for my advice.
Now then foundations.  What are they you might ask.  Well, I like to think of them as being what gesso is to the canvas is what foundation is to the face.  First I always apply a primer.  Revlon has a primer that I consider to be pretty good.  Please see photo below for the Revlon primer and 2 of my Urban Decay eye primers (in my opinion a must have if you intend on your eye shadow to be longer lasting and have  more color depth)
After applying primer of choice, it is finally time for the concealer!  I'll just bet you can't wait for this.
Let's dive in!
Or you can watch me make my own concealer here:
Introduction to foundations
Now, I have tried many different types of foundations and have tried quite and found a few I really like such as the following:
The Revlon product on the right offers light to medium coverage, it can be sheered out with a damp cosmetic sponge.  The foundation on the left is a bit too orangey for my tastes, but it was inexpensive and I thought it was worth a try, but I didn't like it.  The product does what it is meant to, but I just didn't care for it.

Now, these are better.  Not being a big fan of liquid foundations because I have a slight tremor and find them a bit hard to control (they end up all over the place sometimes by accident).  Therefore, I am very fond of the thicker mousse foundations such as:

These I use my stippling brushes with and have had outstanding results with all 3 of these products.  They are not sloppy and stay where you put them.  They are also full coverage and may be sheered out to some extent with a dampened sponge.  I like the full coverage, it lessens the amount of concealer I have t use.  There is barely any fragrance, wash off well (little residue remains) have staying power with or without translucent powder to seal it.

If you would like check back on my previous blog on my brush 'family' for foundation brush suggestions.

Now, go find the right foundation.  Our next blog will cover how to pick the correct foundation for your skin color/tone and texture (dry, oily, normal,  or combination).

Have a good day and happy shopping!


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