Friday, May 24, 2013

Attention attenton all Kmart shoppers...

There is a blue light special in...

Do you remember this phrase as you were growing up, echoing through the shelves packed with items you absolutely and most possilutely (I just made that word up) did NOT need but bought anyway?  Well, I for one hang my head in shame as I profess my makeup clearance addiction.  But honey!  It's only a dime!  I recently recited to my other half as he headed for the men's wear aisle, "I'll come find you in a bit"  So with a twinkle in my eye and a fist of dollar bills I happily skipped down to the end aisle makeup clearance rack.

Oh!  Did I find some fantastic buys! My total purchase did not exceed that wad of crumpled bills I held tightly in my sweaty little palm.  I purchased brand name items such as, NYC, Revlon, Loreal and elf.  Among the items were:

- Revlon matte eye shadow in #007 Riviera blue (I have an inkling it's last fall's shade but I don't care).  $.45

-  Physician's formula Shimmer Strips custom eye enhancing gel cream liner (Blueeyes).  Three shades, Deep blue, brown (kind of a cocoa brown), and a sort of loden green.  My cost:  $.37.

-  NYC eye palette no idea what the name is, but it contains all over lid in a plummy pink (matte), a slight glimmer contour (matte) grapy tone, highlight which is a shimmery greying color and lastly a 'crease' color that is plummy grape.  Cost:  $.35

-  Time released eye cream in the 0.5 oz size by a company I have never heard of, Enregin (not sure how it s pronounced).  Cost:  $.35.

- Milani lipstick 17A Rose fetish $.45

-  Milani lipgoss Wine and berries $.37

-  elf Plumping lip glaze $1.00 (SOOO expensve!)

-  Maybelline 710 Rose glimmer lipstick (a nice nude color with a dash of glimmer) Cost:  $.35

-  Another Eneegrin product, Makeup foundation in a shade of bisque that is a shade lighter than my LancĂ´me foundation.  I figured I could take a risk (size 1.0 oz) for $.35

-  Another product the name I don't recognize is the donna Michelle makeup foundation  size 1.2 oz in I have no idea what shade (close to bisque or a warmish ivory).  My cost?  Why, $.35 of course!

-  The last foundation I found and scoffed up, is Revlon new complexion in color 01 Ivory beige size 12 oz. This was the most expensive coming in at a whopping $1.19   

The last two items are elf brand cosmetics, Shimmering facial whip #1206 Lilacpetal.  This is a beautiful highlight color with a pearly lustre tone and Under eye concealer and highlighter.  I hope this is still a product which migt be purchased as I am quite fond ofte concealer.  The highlight is really nice as well.

All in all I had a great haul1  Thank you Kmart!


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